24/7 ASSISTANCE +40746 889 888

Terms and Conditions

  1. Obligations Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL)

1.1. To transfer to the Client the right of use of the vehicle that is the object of the Contract by: delivering the vehicle, completing and signing the handover form, handing over the keys and the original documents of the vehicle (registration certificate, RCA insurance policy).

1.2. To provide the Client with roadside assistance, on the territory of Romania, for the entire duration of the contract, 24/24, 7/7 in case of accident or mechanical puncture (technical failure). Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) is not responsible for the repair of the tire in case of a flat tire.

1.3. To replace the vehicle (subject to availability), in the event of a breakdown that cannot be repaired on the spot, if the damage is not the fault of the Customer, within 24 hours, depending on the location where the fault was found. If the damage is the Customer’s fault, a new guarantee will be requested for the delivery of a new vehicle.

1.4. If Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) will be unable to replace the Vehicle, the Client will be refunded the part of the rental cost calculated proportionally to the time the vehicle could not be used.

1.5. Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) is not liable for any losses incurred by the Client in case of breakdown or damage of the vehicle, except for expenses authorized by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) for repairs.

1.6. From the moment of delivery of the vehicle and until its repossession, Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) is exempt from liability for damages caused in traffic by the vehicle rented to the Client, as well as for road or bridge tolls or fines resulting from abusive occupation of a parking space, failure to comply with road traffic legislation or Romanian laws.

1.7. By issuing receipts for the completion and cancellation of pre-authorized deposits Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) is relieved from the unavailability of the amounts on the Client’s account and recommends contacting and presenting the receipts to the bank where the Client holds the card.


  1. Client’s obligations


In the case of a reservation made by phone, e-mail or through partners, the reservation can be canceled by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), without any liability to the Client or the intermediary, if the final Client does not meet the minimum mandatory requirements for rental as stated in the contract and published on the Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) website.

2.1. To be in possession of a valid national and/or international driving license (international license is mandatory for documents issued in countries other than Latin alphabet and for those obtained by driving a right-hand drive, e.g. UK, India, Australia, Japan). When signing the Contract, the original driving license must be presented together with an identity card and a credit card. The use of the credit card is mandatory for blocking the deposit. Pre-paid or Diners Club cards are not accepted. Fintech cards (Revolut, Monese, N26, etc.) can be used for payment of services, but not for blocking the deposit.

2.2. To rent a car, the driver must be at least 23 years old and at least 2 years driving experience. These requirements are set to ensure safe driving and compliance with rental rules.

Young Driver and senior drivers – Additional fee

If you have less than 2 years experienceyou are considered Young Driverand a additional fee of 15 euro/day. This fee also applies to drivers over 70 years of age. In addition, the damage cover will be between 1200 and 3000 eurodepending on the class of car rented.

Specific conditions per car

Rental rules may vary depending on car model. We recommend you check the individual vehicle page for full details of rental conditions.

For more information, our team is at your disposal!

The guarantee cannot be reduced by paying CDW or SCDW+, and Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) reserves the right to rent only certain classes of cars.

2.3. In case of confirmed reservations, Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) reserves the right to cancel them if the Client delays the pick-up of the car for more than 3 hours before the mutually agreed time, if the Client does not notify in advance.

2.4. To allow driving of the vehicle only to persons authorized by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) and mentioned in the Contract, or to representatives of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL).

2.5. The fee for additional drivers will be 15 €/user. By registering them in the Contract you accept that they have to fulfill the conditions of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL).

2.6. Not to drive the vehicle off the road surface, on unpaved, unpaved roads, closed to public traffic. Otherwise, Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) will charge the amount of the repair, regardless of the type of warranty chosen by the customer (including the CDW/SCDW/SCDW+ fee), from the warranty or will debit the customer’s debit/credit card presented at the signing of the contract, with prior notice.

2.7. Not to make or allow technical or aesthetic interventions on the vehicle without the written consent of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL).

2.8. To inform Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), at its request, about the whereabouts of the vehicle and to allow the examination of the vehicle by the representatives of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), within 24 hours from the request.

2.9. Not to use the vehicle for taxi, alternative transportation – ridesharing (e.g. Uber, Bolt, Bla Bla Car etc.), driving school, pushing or towing activities, racing, training, competitions, for the purpose of transporting dangerous substances or illegal activities that may damage the condition of the Vehicle, and not to give it any other destination, other than for the transportation of persons under the rental regime. In case the rented vehicle is seized or destroyed/damaged by the authorities or the Client, as a result of its use to obtain undue benefits from the transportation of prohibited objects or substances, the Client is liable for the full value of the vehicle.

2.10. Pets (e.g. dogs, cats) may be transported in Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) cars only in special crates (cages, bags), closed for the duration of the trip. Otherwise, the same conditions mentioned in point 3.10 will apply.

2.11. For failure to comply with the provisions regarding the Client’s obligations – stipulated in Chapter 2 (except point 2.1 – in which case Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) has the right to unilaterally cancel the reservation without refund of the amounts in case of advance payment) the full security deposit (including SCDW fees) will be charged.

2.12. The customer has the obligation to keep the car in a proper state of use during the entire contractual period and to deliver the car in the same condition as on the date of taking delivery. In the event of any damage caused to the vehicle during the contractual period (including damage caused by hitting animals or damage of unknown author), the customer is obliged to bear the costs of all repairs necessary to restore the vehicle to the condition it was in on the date of taking delivery, within the limits of the blocked guarantee, provided that the provisions of point 7 are complied with. In the event of failure to comply with the procedure in the event of damage, as set out in point 7, the Customer shall be liable for the full amount of the repairs, immobilization costs and costs arising from the lack of use of the vehicle.


  1. Performance of the Contract. Delivery, Replacement and Return of the Vehicle.

3.1. The delivery and return of the vehicle will be made at the place, date and time set by the Client together with Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) and mentioned in the booking form and Contract.

3.2. The pick up and drop off of the car outside office hours (M-F 09:00 – 18:00) can be made on request. In this case there will be an additional charge of € 15 per pick-up/drop-off.

3.2.1. Damage or destruction of wheels or tires entails the Customer’s obligation to pay a service fee of € 50 and the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged/destroyed element.

3.2.2. Damage to the lower part of the vehicle, i.e. the elements underneath the vehicle (shield, oil sump, exhaust, muffler, etc.) entails the Customer’s obligation to pay a service fee of € 50 and the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged/destroyed element.

3.3. The return of the vehicle to another place other than the one where it was delivered is done only with the consent of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) and an additional dislocation fee will be charged, ranging between 30 € and 250 €. In case the Customer requests the return of the vehicle to another location after the pick-up of the vehicle, he shall inform Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) in writing or by calling the non-stop support telephone number +40745 823 433. Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) will have to agree to this contractual change and the Customer will pay the additional removal fee mentioned above, which will be communicated in writing by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), by SMS or e-mail. The collection of the fee will be made upon the return of the car from the guarantee, in cash or by credit/debit card presented by the Client when signing the rental contract.

3.4. If the Customer leaves the car in another agency than the one initially established by the contract, without notifying the change of the drop-off location, an additional fee of 250 € will be charged.

3.5. When returning the vehicle after the contractually agreed time limit, an additional fee of 10 €/hour will be charged, as agreed by contract. If the Client delays the return of the vehicle without the consent of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), the company has the right to repossess the vehicle at the Client’s expense and risk.

3.6. The refund is effective at the moment of signing the delivery note by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) and the Client.

3.7. For vehicles returned outside business hours (weekeend and/or night) or in weather conditions that prevent the car from being checked, the Customer’s responsibility for possible damage and the release of guarantees is extended by 72 hours from the actual return of the vehicle. This condition also applies if the car returned by the customer is dirty and must be washed in order to be able to make the inspection.

3.8. Abandonment of the vehicle by the Client without notifying Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) in writing or by calling the non-stop support telephone number 0745823433, without handing over the key to a Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) representative and without signing the bilateral pick-up form will entail the Client’s liability for all costs related to the relocation of the vehicle to the agency from which it was rented, and for other costs related to restoring the vehicle to its original condition in case the vehicle is taken over in other conditions than those in which it was handed over on the basis of the report. The same conditions apply if the customer refuses to return the car.

3.9. The Client is obliged to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel as at the beginning of the rental period (according to the delivery-receipt). Otherwise, following written notification from Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), the Client agrees to pay a fueling fee of 20 € and the value of the missing fuel, according to the fuel receipt. No credit is given for fuel in excess of the initial quantity supplied by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL).

3.10. Upon delivery of the car to the Client, the state of cleanliness of the car will be specified, both inside and outside, and the Client will have to sign the minutes containing these mentions. In the event that upon return, the vehicle requires more than the standard washing procedure to restore it to its pre-rental condition, the Client agrees to pay an administration fee of 60€ – 200€ to which will be added the value of the car wash services, according to the invoice that will be sent by e-mail.

3.11. The parking fees during the pick-up-drop-off of the vehicle, in another location than the one proposed by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), as well as the parking for the entire period of use of the rented car from Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) are entirely the responsibility of the Client. The Client shall bear, in addition to the cost of parking, all taxes provided for by the legislation in force, both on the territory of Romania and in other countries, road taxes, bridge crossing taxes, parking fees in airports or special spaces with limited duration, fines resulting from non-compliance with traffic rules. In the event of non-payment of the above, Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) will pay the fines resulting from the Customer’s failure to fulfill the obligations. Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) will invoice to the Client the actual amount of the fine plus an administration fee of 50 €/fine.

3.12. The refueling by the Client of the vehicle rented from Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), with fuel other than that indicated by the manufacturer (noted on the delivery note and on the delivery-receipt) entails the Client’s obligation to pay a service charge of € 50, the cost of transportation by platform, the cost of the days of immobilization in the service, the cost of repair according to the repair estimate, as well as the corresponding refueling (including Clients who have opted for SCDW / SCDW+).

3.13. Rentals outside Romania are NOT ALLOWED by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL).

3.14. There is a limit of 300 km/day (km traveled in the country) and for exceeding the km limit there will be a charge of €0.12/km.

3.15. In case of defects and / or road events, occurring outside the country’s borders, the Customer has the obligation, according to the contract signed upon delivery of the car, to return the car within the borders of Romania bearing the full costs.

3.16. Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) rents together with the car a series of accessories consisting of GPS, child seat, snow chains, Wi-fi router according to the following rates:

  • GPS, 5 €/day;
  • High chair, €5/day;
  • Snow chains, 3 €/day;
  • Wi-fi router, 5 €/day.

3.17. In case of loss or damage of keys, original documents or car accessories, in case of loss of the parking token or loss of license plates by the Client, Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) will collect from the Client the value of the damaged / lost items at the price of the purchase invoice of each accessory, or the amount of the fine that the Client must pay, plus an administration fee of € 50.

3.18. Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) can not be held responsible for any objects left in the Vehicle by the Customer and not identified at the time of delivery of the vehicle.

3.19. Smoking in Jacob Auto Rent cars (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) is strictly forbidden. In case of non-compliance, a fee of 50 € will be charged, to which will be added the value of the car wash service.


  1. Damage Guarantee and Damage Reduction Fees

4.1. The vehicle is covered by RCA insurance, according to the law. The RCA insurance is an insurance through which third parties injured in a car accident caused by the fault of the insured driver receive compensation for property damage and / or death or bodily injury suffered in that accident.

4.2. The customer opts at the signing of the Contract for one of the following guarantees and fees for its reduction: Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Theft Protection (TP), included in the tariff, to which Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) or Super Cover Plus (SCDW +) can be added.

4.2.1. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is a damage (liability) deposit, also called Collision Damage Waiver, (specified in the Public Tariffs), which can vary between 600 € and 3000 € depending on the class of the vehicle specified in the Contract signed by the parties. The mandatory guarantee is deposited at the signing of the Contract, partially or in full, and will be blocked by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) on a credit card. The guarantee will be returned to the Client upon return of the vehicle (except in the cases stipulated in paragraph 4.3.).

4.2.2. Theft protection (TP) is a theft protection which is intended to limit the driver’s liability for the costs arising from the theft or attempted theft of the rented vehicle, within the limits of the class guarantee set out in the rental contract. Theft protection does not cover the driver’s personal belongings, which may be covered under the travel policies.

4.2.3. The Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) is a fee to reduce the guarantee mentioned in point 4.2.1, whose daily rate is included in the Rental Contract. By paying the SCDW fee, the Customer’s liability in case of damage and/or theft of the rented vehicle is reduced from the amount of the above mentioned Guarantee to the amount of 150 € for cl. A – G1, L – P, V0; 200 € for cl. V and 300 € for cl. GP, P1, H, V1 – X to cover any additional costs, the exceptions being mentioned in Chapter 5 of this Contract.

4.2.4. Super Cover Plus (SCDW+) is an extra charge to reduce the guarantee, which totally eliminates the Customer’s responsibility in case of accident and/or theft, the exceptions being mentioned in Chapter 5 of this Contract.

4.3. In the case of opting for CDW/SCDW Warranty (fransiza) for damage is invoiced by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) to the Client under the following conditions:

  1. damages (accidents) caused to the rented vehicle, ascertained by the authorized Police bodies, as being the Client’s fault or with unknown author (includes the situation in which the vehicle is found hit or vandalized in the parking lot);
  2. theft of the rented vehicle;
  3. as well as in the case of any other exclusions in the insurance policies and the table of claims part of the terms and conditions.


  1. Exclusions from Warranty Damages and Warranty Reduction Fees

Irrespective of the fee paid for the reduction of the warranty for which the Customer has opted, the Customer becomes responsible and liable for the repair and payment of collateral damages in the following situations:

  • non-compliance with the obligations set out in Chapter 2;
  • the missing fuel, in the amount of 20 € representing the fuel tax + the corresponding fiscal voucher (art. 3.9);
  • loss or damage to the vehicle documents, keys or accessories (Art. 3.18);
  • damage to the passenger compartment: excessive soiling, staining or damage to seats (Art. 3.10);
  • Damage to the lower part of the vehicle, i.e. the elements underneath the vehicle: shield, drum, oil sump, etc. (art. 3.2.2);
  • misfuelling (Art. 3.12);
  • damage to rims or tires (Art. 3.2.1);
  • partial or total damage caused as a result of smoking inside the vehicle and/or while the vehicle is in the vicinity of flammable environments (Art. 3.20).


  1. Payment of Services

6.1. The Client pays in full, at the signing of the Contract, the rental (of the car and of the optional extras), the fee for the reduction of the guarantee (if opted for) and any additional fees set by the minutes.

6.2. Invoicing in RON is made at the selling rate of the NBR on the day of signing the Contract.

6.3. Rental payment can be made by credit card, debit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) or cash, pre-paid cards, Diners Club are not accepted. Fintech cards (Revolut, Monese, N26, etc.) can be used to pay for services, but not for blocking the guarantee.

6.4. The rates do not include: fuel costs, road taxes with the exception of the road vignette for Romania which is included in the rental rate, fines received for violation of traffic rules on public roads and national legislation in force or costs resulting from the actions of Local Authorities in relation to the Vehicle subject of this Contract, during the rental period. The Client shall be responsible for the full payment of these amounts.

6.5. The Client must pay the total of the remaining financial obligations, according to the Contract, at the moment of the vehicle handover, on the basis of the payment document issued by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL).

6.6. Any amount not paid by the Client to Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) at the end of the Contract, as well as other amounts arising thereafter (cost of extension of the rental period, fines, penalties, taxes, etc.) or costs of repairs to the vehicle following damage caused during the contractual period in accordance with art. 2.11, may be charged by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) from the credit card of the Client, with prior written notice. Any amount charged in the absence of the Client, with his consent by signing these conditions, is finalized with the transmission from Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) of an email containing the receipts corresponding to the charge.

6.7. In case of late payment, beyond the term stipulated in the Contract, Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) has the right to charge penalties in the amount of 1% of the amount due for each day of delay.

6.8. In case of early return of the vehicle, the Client will be refunded the value of the services paid in advance, recalculated according to the change in the price/day. The refund can be made by granting a voucher in the Jacob Auto Rent network (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), valid for 12 months.

6.8.1. The voucher can be used to reduce the value of the future rental. To use it, the customer must mention by phone or e-mail that he/she has such a voucher and present it at the counter (in physical or electronic format) when picking up the car.

The voucher can be used at any of the Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) agencies in Romania and can be cumulated with other valid offers. The voucher can also be offered as a gift.

6.9. The guarantee referred to in art. 4 shall be returned at the end of the contractual period, within a maximum of 30 days from the date of the closing of the reservation (return of the car) by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) and the Client. Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) shall not be liable for delays in returning the guarantee caused by external factors such as delays of banking institutions, strikes, blocking of Client’s accounts, etc.


  1. Damage Procedure:

7.1. The Client is obliged to immediately notify Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) of any new damage discovered to the rented vehicle.

7.2. If the damage has an unknown author, the Client has the obligation to obtain, before returning the car, the Repair Authorization from the Police.

7.3. If the accident was the Client’s fault and 2 cars were involved, the Client has the following obligations:

7.3.1. Completion of the amicable settlement form if both drivers admit their fault;

7.3.2. Minutes + Repair Authorization obtained from the Police in case the two drivers do not get along amicably.

7.4. If the accident was not the Client’s fault, and 2 cars were involved, the Client has the following obligations:

7.4.1. Completion of the amicable settlement form if both drivers admit their guilt, copy of the guilty RCA, copy of the guilty Registration Certificate, copy of the guilty Registration Certificate, copy of the guilty CI, copy of the guilty Driving License;

7.4.2. In case the two drivers do not reach an amicable agreement, the following will be required: copy of the guilty party’s RCA, the Minutes and the Repair Authorization obtained from the Police.

7.5. If more than 2 cars were involved in the accident or if the accident resulted in bodily injuries, the Client has the obligation to contact the Police to obtain the Report and the Authorization for Repair.

7.6. In the case of an accident in which an animal has been hit, the client has the obligation to notify the Police as soon as the accident has occurred.

7.7. In all the cases described above, the Client has the obligation to verify the correct completion of both the Amicable Statement and the Repair Authorization and the Minutes issued by the Police.

7.8. In case of failure to comply with the damage procedure, the Client is responsible for the full amount of repairs, immobilization costs and costs generated by the lack of use of the vehicle.

7.9. Any new damage occurring during the rental period of the vehicle will be invoiced according to the schedule of damage costs attached to the Rental Contract, including minor damage such as scratches.

7.10. If the damage guarantee has been only partially blocked from the credit card, for an amount lower than the limits indicated in art. 4.2.1, if the car is returned with a new damage, reasonably requiring repairs, Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) will block the difference of the guarantee on the credit card of the client upon delivery of the car, if this is made directly to a representative of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), and the amount will remain blocked until the issuance of the repair estimate by an authorized service. In case the amount of the estimate exceeds the blocked amount, the client will not be entitled to refund any part of the amount. To the extent that the amount of the estimate is less than the amount of the blocked amount, the customer will be refunded the difference. If the car is delivered outside working hours or in any other situation in which the delivery is not made directly to a representative of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), after issuing the repair estimate, an invoice will be issued for the difference between the estimate and the blocked amount, with the obligation to pay it within 10 days from its receipt. In case of non-payment within the mentioned term, penalties of 1% per day will be charged for days of delay.


  1. Extension, Termination and Termination of the Contract

8.1. The terms of extension, termination or early termination of the Contract can only be established with the consent of Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL).

8.2. The Client’s intention to extend the Contract is communicated to Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), at least 24 hours before the expiration of the Contract. The agreed rate shall be paid under the same conditions under which the initial contract was concluded, within a maximum of 24 hours from the beginning of the extension period. The Contract may be extended by written agreement of both parties.

8.3. The contract is automatically terminated at the end of the rental period.

8.4. The contract may be terminated before the end of the term by agreement of the parties or as a result of termination.

8.5. In case of termination of the Contract, Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) informs the Client by telephone, fax or e-mail.

8.6. Both in the case of early termination of the Contract and in the case of termination, the Customer has the obligation to return the vehicle within 12 hours from the moment of termination.


  1. Final Provisions

9.1. The Client is put in default for all obligations assumed in the Contract and not fulfilled as such on time.

9.2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall first be settled amicably and only in case of failure, the parties shall apply to the competent courts of Galati.

9.3. For any dispute, this Contract is evidence.




The following conditions are mandatory and must be respected in order to rent an electric car from Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) by Romanian or foreign individuals/legal entities. They come as an addition to the Terms and Conditions mentioned above.

Prices include VAT.

  1. For electric vehicles, the customer has the following obligations:

1.1. Not to drive the vehicle below the 10% battery limit, in order to avoid damaging the car’s equipment. Otherwise, a non-compliant driving charge of 1000€ will be applied, regardless of the type of warranty chosen (including SCDW/SCDW+), which will be debited from the warranty or debited from the customer’s debit/credit card presented at the signing of the contract, with prior notice.

1.2. The Client is obliged to return the vehicle with the battery charged to the same level as it was at the beginning of the rental period (according to the handover-receipt). Otherwise, following written notification from Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL), the Customer agrees to pay a recharging fee of 1 €/kw. No credit will be given for situations where the car has been returned with the battery charged more than at the time of delivery by Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL).

1.3. In cases where an electric vehicle is charged via Jacob Auto Rent (ROJU TRAVEL COMPANY SRL) cards or Tesla accounts, the customer will be charged the cost of recharging the vehicle, together with a €12 administration fee.

1.4. In case the Customer leaves the car in another location than the one initially established in the contract, without notifying the change of the delivery location, he will be charged a fee of 250 € for relocating and loading the car.

1.5. In case of damage or loss of the charging cable, you will be charged € 500.

1.6. Charging in other than authorized charging stations is forbidden, and in case of damage to the batteries as a result of improper charging, the customer will pay the full repair cost.

Thank you! #DriveYourDream

© Jacob Auto Rent 2024 | ROJU.ro